
Course Code: BMAT30 4    Course Name: Practical -III

1 1. To find greatest and smallest of three numbers.
2. To find the roots of a quadratic equation.
3. To check whether a given year is leap year or not.
4. To check a given number for being palindrome or Armstrong.
5. To generate Fibonacci sequence.
6. To find sum of cosine series and sine series up to n terms.
7. To find sum of any n numbers.
8. To find transpose of a matrix.
9. To find sum and product of two matrices.
10. To find area of circle, triangle and rectangle depending on choice using switch statement.
11. To find factorial of a number using (a) iteration (b) function.
12. To find Greatest Common Divisor of two numbers using recursion.
13. Write a function to check a given number for being prime number. Use the same to generate the prime numbers less than or equal to a given number m.
14. To search the element in an array of n elements using
(a) Linear search method
(b) Binary search.
15. To sort given numbers in ascending/descending order using (a) selection sort (b) bubble sort
16. To prepare electricity bill.
17. To find gross salary of an employee.
18. To perform following operations on strings:
(a) Show address of each character in string
(b) Concatenate two strings
(c) Compare two strings
(e) Calculate the length of strings
(f) Convert all lowercase characters to uppercase
(g) Convert all uppercase characters to lowercase.
(h) Calculate number of vowels
(i) Reverse the string
19. To arrange string data (name of students) in alphabetical order using bubble sort.
20. To calculate the Letter grades and Grade points of a student according to marks obtained
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