
Course Code: EP-803    Course Name: Nuclear Engineering Physics

1 Two nucleon problem and nuclear forces
The deuteron: binding energy, dipole moment quadrupole moment and the evidence of non-central (Tensor) force, spin dependence of nuclear force. Nucleon-nucleon scattering; s-wave effective range theory, charge independence and charge symmetry of nuclear forces, iso-spin formalism.
2 Nuclear Models
Liquid drop model, stability of nuclei, fission; evidence of shell structure, the shell model spin parity and magnetic moment in extreme single particle model.
Nuclear decays
Alpha, Beta and Gamma decays, Selections rules, Fermi's theory of beta decay, selection rules, comparative half lines, Kurie plot Fermi and Gamow –Teller Transitions; parity non-conservation in beta decay.
3 Gas-filled detectors: Proportional counters, Gas multiplication factor, space charge effects, energy resolution. Position-sensitive proportional counters.
Semiconductor detector in X-ray, gamma-ray Spectroscopy, Ge and Si(Li) detectors, Charge production and collection process.
Electronics associated with detectors: Electronic shielding and grounding, Measurement and control, Signal conditioning and recovery. Electronics for pulse signal processing, preamplifiers (voltage and charge-sensitive configurations), Linear amplifiers, CR-(RC)n and delay-line pulse shaping.
4 Elementary Particle
Basic interactions in nature: Gravitational Electromagnetic, weak and strong, classification of elementary particles, Leptons, Hadrons, Mesons, Baryons. Conservation Laws for Elementary Particles. Baryon, Lepton and Muon number, Strangeness and Hypercharge, Gelleman - Nishijima formula. Quark model, SU (2) and SU (3) Symmetries Parities of subatomic particles, charge conjugation.
Detector systems for high energy experiments (brief account): Collider physics, Particle Accelerators, Secondary beams, Beam transport, Modern Hybrid experiments - CMS and ALICE.
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