
Course Code: G-407    Course Name: Practical G-407 based on G-401, G-402 and G-403

1 COURSE OBJECTIVE:   To impart the knowledge about fundamental and applied aspects of the subject among the students so that they can better understand the subject and be able to apply it on the ground.
Calculation of mineral formulae from the concentration of various oxides in minerals. Calculation of CIPW normative mineralogy from rock composition. Presentation and interpretation of geochemical analytical data. Study and interpretation of geochemical data. Study and interpretation of radiogenic and stable isotope data. Calculation of weathering indices in soils and sediments.
Study of aerial photographs and satellite imageries and their interpretation.
Megascopic characterization of banded coals. Proximate analysis of coal. Completion of outcrops in the given maps and calculation of coal reserves. Preparation of polished particulate mounts of coal. Megascopic examination of polished coal pellets. Megascopic and microscopic study of cores and well cuttings. Study of geological maps and sections of important oil fields of India and the world. Calculation of oil reserves. Study of geological sections of U-Th bearing rocks of the country. Megascopic study of Uranium and thorium bearing minerals and rocks.
COURSE OUTCOME (CO):  Students will gain the practical knowledge about the subject and will be able to apply it in the field in geo-scientific projects professionally.
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