
Course Code: MCA-20-42    Course Name: Computer Graphics and Animation

1 Introduction to Computer Graphics and its Components: Overview of Computer Graphics, its functions & elements; Introduction to GUI, Computer Vision, Augmented Reality and other Applications of Graphics; Popular Graphics Software; Components and Working of Interactive Graphics; Raster Scan and Random Scan systems and Display Processors; Look-up table; Loading the Frame Buffer; Coordinate Systems. Graphics Devices: Display Technologies: Resolution, Aspect Ratio, Refresh CRT, Color CRT, Flat Panel Displays; Interactive Input Devices for Graphics, Image and Video Input Devices.
2 Scan Conversion: Drawing Geometry; Output Primitives; Lines and Pixel Graphics; AntiAliasing; Scan Converting Lines: DDA line drawing algorithms, Bresenham’s line Algorithm; Scan Converting Circles: Polynomial method for circle drawing, circle drawing using polar coordinates, Bresenham’s circle drawing; Algorithms for Generation of ellipse; Line Styles; Generation of Bar Charts, Pie-Charts.
Curve Representation: Parametric Curves, Parametric Representation of a Circle, Parametric representation of cubic curves, drawing Bezier curves.
Filled-Area Primitives: Basic Stack based fill algorithms: Flood fill algorithm, Boundary fill algorithm; Scan-line polygon fill algorithm and its computational structures.
3 Two-Dimensional Transformations:Coordinate and Geometric Transformations; Translation, Rotation, Scaling; Matrix representations and Homogeneous coordinates, Composite transformations, General Pivot Point rotation, General Fixed Point Scaling, Shearing; Reflection ; Reflection about an arbitrary line.
2-D Viewing: Viewing pipeline; Window, Viewport, Window-to-Viewport transformation; Zooming, Panning; Pointing and Positioning techniques; Rubber band technique; Dragging.
Clipping operations: Point and Line clipping, Cohen-Sutherland line clipping, Mid-Point Subdivision line clipping, Liang-Barsky line clipping, Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping; Weiler-Atherton polygon clipping.
4 3-D Graphics & Modeling: Visualization techniques for Realism; 3D Object Representation; Solid Model Representation Schemes; Euclidean Geometry methods: Regularized Boolean Set Operations, Primitive Instancing, Boundary Representations, Curved lines and surfaces, Sweep Representations, Spatial-Partitioning Representations - Octree representation, Constructive Solid Geometry; Procedural Methods: Fractals, Shape Grammars, Particle systems, Physically Based modeling, Visualization techniques; 3D transformations.
Three-Dimensional Viewing: Viewing Pipeline; Parallel Projection: Orthographic and Oblique Projection; Perspective Projection.
Visible-Surface Determination: Z-buffer, Depth-Sorting, Area Subdivision, BSP-Tree method; Ray casting.
Illumination and Shading: Modeling Light Intensities; Basic Illumination Models; Gouraud Shading; Phong Shading.
Introduction to Animation: Designing of Animation Sequences; Key-Frame Systems; Animation Techniques: Tweening, Morphing.
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