
Course Code: MCA-20-35    Course Name: Elective-IV - (ii) Advanced Web Technologies

1 Advanced Client side programming: Fundamentals of jQuery, Element Selector, Document ready function, Events, jQuery UI, Unobtrusive client validation, working with AJAX and jQuery.
Feature detection: Browser detection, Feature detection, Modernizer.
2 Introduction to AngularJS: Controllers, Models, Directives and Services, Single Page Applications, Angular User Interfaces: Angular Forms, Using Angular with Angular UI and Angular Bootstrap, Angular Services, Developing Custom Directives, Enhanced End-to End Testing.
3 Introduction to Node JS: Node JS process model, Advantages, Traditional web server model. Setup Install Node.js on windows, REPL, Node JS console, Node JS modules, Events: Event Emitter class, inheriting events, Node Package Manager, Creating web server: handling http requests, sending requests, File System, Debugging Node JS application, Database Connectivity.
4 Search engines: Searching techniques used by search engines, keywords, advertisements, Search engine optimization for individual web pages: header entries, tags, selection of URL, alt tags, Search engine optimization for entire website: Hyperlinks and link structure, page rank of Google, click rate, residence time of website, frames, scripts, content management system, cookies, robots, Pitfalls in Optimization: optimization and testing, keyword density, doorway pages, duplicate contents, quick change of topics, broken links, poor readability, rigid layouts, navigation styles.
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