
Course Code: MCA-20-13    Course Name: Operating Systems

1 Introductory Concepts: Operating system functions, structure, types viz. Batch processing systems, multi-programming systems, Time-sharing systems, desktop systems, multi-processor systems, distributed systems, clustered systems, real-time systems, handheld systems, open-source operating systems.
Operating System Structures: System Components, Operating system services, system calls, system programs.
CPU Scheduling: Process concepts, process operations, inter-process communication, scheduling criteria, scheduling algorithms, Comparative study of scheduling algorithms, Multiple processor scheduling.
2 Concurrent Processes: Critical section problem, Semaphores, Classical process co-ordination problems and their solutions, monitors.
Deadlocks: Deadlock characterization, Deadlock handling, Deadlock prevention and avoidance, Deadlock detection and recovery.
3 Memory Management: Swapping, Paging, Segmentation, Virtual memory concepts: Demand Paging, Page replacement Algorithms, Thrashing.
Storage Management: File concepts, File access methods, Directory Structure, File-system mounting, File sharing, Protection, File system structure and implementation, Directory implementation, File allocation methods, Recovery. Disk scheduling criteria and algorithms.
4 Protection & Security: Goals of protection, domains of protection, access matrix. Security: Security problem, threats, security tools, classification.
Distributed Systems: Types of network-based OS, Network structure and topologies, Communication structure & Protocol, design issues. Distributed File-system: Remote file access, File replication. Distributed synchronization: Mutual exclusion, Concurrency control, deadlock handling.
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