
Course Code: BCH-102    Course Name: Cell Biology

1 Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, Common and distinguishing features between them.
Plasma membrane: An overview of membrane functions; Brief history of studies on plasma membrane structure, chemical composition of membranes: membrane lipids, membrane carbohydrates and membrane proteins, Glycocalyx, membrane lipids and membrane fluidity, the dynamic nature of the plasma membrane, methods of introducing a membrane-impermeant substance into a cell.
Membrane transport of small molecules: Principlesofmembranetransport,Passivediffusion,Facilitateddiffusionandcarrierproteins,ionchannels,activetransport driven by ATP hydrolysis and by iongradients
Mitochondria: Mitochondrialstructure and function,mechanismofoxidative phosphorylation, criticalroles of mitochondria in cell metabolism besides ATPproduction
2 Chloroplastandotherplastids: structureofchloroplast,role of chloroplasts in photosyntheticmetabolism, differenttypesofplastids
Peroxisomes: structure and functions of peroxisomes and their involvement in photorespiration.
Cell wall: bacterial and eukaryotic cellwall
Endoplasmic reticulum: ER and protein secretion, targeting proteins to the ER, insertion of proteins into the ER membrane, protein folding and processing in the ER, SER and lipid synthesis
Golgiapparatus: OrganizationoftheGolgicomplex, protein glycosylation within the Golgi, lipid and polysaccharide metabolism in the Golgi
Lysosomes: Majorcharacteristicsanditsroleinintracellulardigestion.
3 TheCytoskeleton: Microfilaments:structureandorganization,muscle contractility;Microtubules:structureanddynamicorganizationofmicrotubules,Microtubuleorganizingcenters:centrosomes and basal bodies; Microtubule motor proteins; Cilia and flagella: structure and functions, Intermediate filaments: intermediate filament proteins; assembly, intracellular organization and functions of intermediate filaments
Cellular interactions: Extracellular matrix: matrix structural proteins, matrix polysaccharides, matrix adhesion proteins, Interactions of cells with extracellular materials: integrins, focal adhesions and hemidesmosomes;Interactionsofcellswithothercells:Adhesionjunctions,Tightjunctions,GapjunctionsandPlasmodesmata.
4 Nucleus: Nuclearenvelope and traffic between the nucleus and the cytoplasm, structure of the nucleus envelope, nuclearporecomplex,Organization of Nucleolus
TheCellcycle: Overviewof eukaryotic cellcycle,Regulation of cell cycle by cell growth and extracellular signals, cell cycle checkpoints, Regulators of cell cycle progression: protein kinases and cell cycle regulation, families of cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases, DNA damagecheckpoints
Celldeathandcellrenewal: Apoptosis(Programmedcelldeath), caspases: the executioners of apoptosis, central regulators of apoptosis:The Bcl-2 family;Stemcells and their properties,medical applications of adultstemcells, embryonicstemcells and the rapeutic cloning.
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